Saturday, September 14, 2013

Modak(Kudumulu) - Andhra style

[caption id="attachment_119" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Modak Modak[/caption]


  • chana dal:1 cup.

  • Jaggery powder:3/4 cup.

  • elaichy powder:1/2 tsp.

  • wheat flour


  • Pressure cook the chana dal for upto 3 whistles .

  • Allow it to cool the cooker and after cooling drain the water(with the drained water we can prepare rasam) .

  • Now keep the cooked chana dal on low flame and now add jaggery powder and keep for 7-8 min on in  low flame.

  • Allow it to cool and grind it in a mixer by adding with very little water and elaichy powder or if possible grind it without water.

  • Now Knead the wheat flour with sufficient water .Knead it until it is smooth and soft.

  • Now make it into small balls of the dough and roll it very thinly smaller than the size of poori by dusting in between with dry flour.

  • Now stuff the dal and jaggery mixture into that and deep fry in oil.

  • Fry it until it turns into light brown color.

  • Now take it into tissue paper so that excess oil will go off.


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    Kudumulu recipe with rice flour

  2. Thank you very much.I will try to give even more best information.your comment inspires me a lot.Once again thanks a lot.
