Monday, November 18, 2013

How to prepare delicious coconut laddu

[caption id="attachment_273" align="aligncenter" width="300"]delicious coconut laddo delicious coconut laddo[/caption]

This laddu is very easy to prepare.The preparation time is less than 15 min.If we want to prepare any sweet with in less time we can definitely select this sweet.If guests are coming and in home we don't have any sweets we can select these kind of sweets.

only 4 ingredients are enough to prepare this sweet.only thing is we must have fresh coconut in our home.

Now here comes the procedure how to make the coconut laddu.


  • Grated fresh coconut:1 1/2 cup.(one and half cup).

  • Grated Jaggery:1 cup.

  • Ghee:1 tsp.

  • Cardamom powder:1/2 tsp.


  • In a thick bottomed kadai mix the coconut and jaggery and cook it in a medium flame until the jaggery melts.

  • It will take less than 15 min.

  • Add 1 tsp of ghee and cardamom powder and mix it well.

  • Switch off the flame and allow it cool.

  • Now prepare round balls out of the cooled mixture.

  • Arrange them in a single layer and store it in a air tight container.


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