Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Kaju-Gongura Rice

All these rice items are prepared very easily  and it will take very less time.Especially now a days I am looking for these rice items because both my darlings my daughter and my hubby started to take lunch boxes.This is a very nice Lunch box recipe.For the first time I prepared and it came very perfect.I like the tangyness which Gongura have naturally and if we take this gongura atleast once in a week it is very good for health as it contains more amount of Iron.I used pepper in this because in this winter season it is very good for our health.

Now here comes the recipe.

Kaju-Gongura Rice
 Kaju-Gongura Rice


  • Kaju: 1/2 cup.

  • Gongura paste:1/2 cup.

  • Basmathi Rice:1 cup.

  • oil:2 tbsp.

  • Green chillies:3.

  • Jeera:1/2 tsp.

  • Curry leaves:2 springs.

  • Coriander powder:1 tsp.

  • Pepper powder:1 1/2 tsp.


  • Boil basmathi rice and allow it cool.

  • Grind Gongura into a fine paste in a mixer and slit the green chillies.

  • In a pan heat oil and fry curry leaves and take them outside.

  • In the remaining oil add jeera,Green chillies,Kaju and fry until kaju turns golden brown colour.

  • Now add Gongura paste until raw smell goes.

  • Now add Turmeric powder,salt,coriander powder,pepper powder and fry for only 1/2 min.

  • Now add rice and mix it well and keep in low flame for five min.

  • Now add fried curry leaves on top.

  • Now the Tangy kaju-Gongura rice is ready.


  • We can use Coriander leaves instead of Gongura an d this coriander leaves gives good flavour.

  • While frying Cashew Fry in low flame because kaju will turn brown very quickly.

  • Even we can use left over rice instead of  Basmathi rice.

  • Be careful  with rice the grains must be separate so,that it gives good texture.

Please give your suggestions and comments below.